【日本人が奪われた最強能力】 その名を『DNA943』
オランダ総選挙で自由党圧勝!欧州連合でも変化 世界で広がる反グローバリズムOrナショナリズム政党の勝利 実に大きな地殻変動が起きている
私曰く「どうして あなた達のものになるんですか」と聞くと
そこで納得しました。 中国共産党の人口侵略政策は、1人1人の中国人にまで浸透しているのだと。
イタリア 映画“Invisibili” ワクチンによって大勢の人々が命を落とした。ワクチン薬害訴訟を行っている。
米最高裁判決 「コロワクはワクチンではない」
United States Supreme Court
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. won his case against all pharmaceutical lobbyists.
Covid-19 vaccines are NOT vaccines. In its decision, the Supreme Court confirms that the harm caused by Covid mRNA gene therapies is IRREPARABLE.
Since the Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States, there are no further appeals and all avenues of appeal have been exhausted.
In a statement, Robert F. Kennedy emphasised that this success was only possible because of the international cooperation of a large number of lawyers and scientists. Naturally, this ruling sets a precedent internationally.
Especially in Switzerland, this ruling should cause a stir, because Switzerland has a special position with its federal constitution. On the one hand, the Nuremberg Code is in the constitution with Article 118b, and the misuse of genetic engineering in humans is prohibited in Switzerland, according to Article 119 of the Federal Constitution.
This is supplemented by Article 230bis of the Criminal Code, which means that the perpetrators RISK up to 10 years in prison.
However, this historic ruling should also give the rest of the world pause for thought, because the Nuremberg Code has international validity and is also contained in Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
In the case of criminal charges, the statement should refer to the Contergan scandal in order to give particular weight to the significance of this charge.
German lawyer Rainer Füllmich and over 100 other German lawyers are active in these cases.
NO media reports on this, neither in Switzerland nor in Europe.
Unfortunately, it is mathematical that, as this is a disruptive issue that can upset the financial and economic plans of the powerful LOBBIES of the PHARMACEUTICAL industry, the public will not be informed.
We are in the midst of a promotional campaign aimed at pushing people to vaccinate, and then again to vaccinate, in the run-up to next winter.
It is very likely that, if news of the historic ruling ever circulates, it will circulate late to allow the corrupt medical class, aligned to the positions of the pharmaceutical lobbies, to get as far ahead as possible with the vaccination campaign.
We therefore INVITE all honest people of good will to give the maximum dissemination to this historic JUDGMENT of the U.S. Supreme Court, for our own good, but especially for that of our children and grandchildren…. Let us not allow lobbyists to irreparably ruin our health and endanger our lives.